Vista Equity Partners (CCAT)

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Vista Equity Partners (CCAT)

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63 tests 919 questions

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What is the Vista CCAT Test?

Vista Equity Partners is a renowned American Investment Firm that holds its pre-screening employment standards as high as its return on investments. That is why Vista uses the golden standard of aptitude tests found in the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT). The Vista CCAT assesses candidates' cognitive aptitude for work. In more detail, the test evaluates the capacity to comprehend and process newly presented information, engage in critical thinking, problem-solving capabilities, and the ability to learn new skills.

Our Vista CCAT Preparation Package consists of a total of 63 tests with a total of 919 questions that come with full worked solutions. The Vista CCAT PReparation Package includes the following elements:

  • Vista CCAT - Math & Logics
    • Vista CCAT - Number Sequences (13 tests, 325 questions)
    • Vista CCAT - Word Problems (5 tests, 50 questions)
  • Vista CCAT - Spatial Reasoning
    • Vista CCAT - Inductive Reasoning (12 tests, 144 questions)
    • Vista CCAT - Matrices (9 tests, 90 questions)
    • Vista CCAT - Odd-One-Out (5 tests, 50 questions)
  • Vista CCAT - Verbal Reasoning 
    • Vista CCAT - Antonyms (5 tests, 75 questions)
    • Vista CCAT - Letter Sequences (5 tests, 50 questions)
    • Vista CCAT - Syllogisms (9 tests, 135 questions)

Our prestigious e-learning platform and Personal Progression system are well-equipped to strengthen your assessment test skills and help you beat the competition to join the top 15% of people that pass their Vista CCAT test. Continue reading to gain knowledge about:

  • Vista CCAT FREE Practice Tests!
  • Tips and Tricks to prepare yourself for the Vista CCAT.
  • The Golden Rule to increase your Vista CCAT test scores dramatically in no time!

Vista CCAT Practice Tests

Verbal Ability

Verbal abilities are measured with the Vista CCAT test. The verbal questions evaluate the size of your vocabulary and whether your verbal comprehension is good enough to know and use words correctly in a variety of contexts and inter-relationships. In this part, you will encounter tests such as antonyms, syllogisms, and letter sequences.

By clicking the link or image below you can practice 10 free Antonym questions.

Antonyms Example Question

By clicking the image below you can practice 10 free questions of our syllogism practice tests:

Syllogisms Test Free

Vista - Math and Logic

The Vista Equity Partners Practice Tests math and logic questions are included because your numerical reasoning skills and your number sense are directly related to your ability to think critically and solve problems. This test measures your basic algebra skills, ability to determine proportions and work your way through word problems. A calculator is not permitted during the test. Therefore, make sure you don’t use one while practicing. In this part, you will encounter number series and word problems.

By clicking the image below you can practice 10 free questions of our number sequence practice tests:

Number Sequences Example Question

By clicking the image below you can practice 10 free questions of our Word Problem practice tests:

Math Word Problem Question

Vista Equity Partners - Spatial Reasoning

The Spatial Reasoning part of the CCAT test measures if you can mentally manipulate random shapes by having you rotate or flip images in your head, recognize patterns and identify outliers. This test focuses on how well you’ll be able to learn, solve problems, and make use of new information correctly. In this part, you will encounter Inductive Reasoning, Matrices, and Odd-One-Out questions.

By clicking the image below you can practice 10 free questions of our Inductive Reasoning practice tests:

Inductive Reasoning Example Question

By clicking the image below you can practice 10 free questions of our Odd-One-Out practice tests: 




Tips and Tricks to Ace the Vista CCAT Test

CCAT - Math & Logic Tips and Tricks


  • Elementary addition or subtraction: Each consecutive number in the sequence is computed by adding or subtracting a number to the previous number.
  • Basic multiplication: Each number in the sequence is found by multiplying the previous number by a whole number or a fraction of that number.
  • Using multiple basic arithmetic functions: In some series, more than one operation (multiplications, divisions, additions, and/or subtractions) is used. For example - 7, 9, 18, 20, 40 ( add 2, multiply by 2, add 2, multiply by 2, etc). 
  • Prime numbers: prime numbers is a natural number are numbers greater than 1 and can't be divided by any number apart from 1 and itself, e.g. 11, 13, 17, 19.
  • Arithmetic sequences: In an arithmetic sequence the difference between one term and the next is constant e.g. 1,7,13,19,25. The value-added each time (+6) is called the ‘common difference’. 
  • Geometric sequences: entails multiplying by the same value each time. For instance, a sequence of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 has a multiplication pattern of 2.  This number is called the ‘common ratio’.
  • Square numbers: They are the square of whole numbers, such as 1 (=1x1), 4 (=2x2), 9 (=3x3), and 16 (=4x4).
  • Fibonacci numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 etc. The Fibonacci sequence is found by adding the two numbers before it together. The 2 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+1), the 21 is found by adding 8 and 13, etc.


  • Several types of figures can be used, even in one grid. Examples of figures are circles, squares, arrows, stars, and triangles. The number of figures used can be of importance in trying to figure out the pattern that is used in a specific grid.
  • Every figure can move places in the grid. This can be a specific number of steps of a back-and-forth movement.
  • Every figure can rotate. This can be clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • The figures can change in size, shape, filling, shading, and even any and all combinations of changes.
  • Target one rule at a time. Logical Reasoning patterns can be complex and may present a combination of different aspects. Finish one line of reasoning at a time.

CCAT - Spatial Reasoning - Tips and Tricks

  • Rotation matters as every figure can rotate. This can be clockwise or counterclockwise. Try to see whether you can spot how many degrees the rotation of the figures change and whether that number increases or decreases between cells in the matrix either horizontally or vertically.
  • Positioning matters as every figure can move places in the grid. The movement can be a specific number of steps horizontally and/or vertically. As a test taker try to rasterize the square cells of the matrix into as many points as you need to infer how many steps the figure has moved.
  • Size and shape matters as figures frequently change in size but they also tend to change in shape. For the more advanced questions, figures can change both in size and shape. 
  • shadings and filling matter. ask yourself how the colors and shadings change within and between figures.
  • Counting matters. It may be the case that the objects and shapes in the figures are even or uneven. Count whether an x number of shape sides (triangle, rectangle, pentagon, etc) in the figure. Count to figure out if the numbers increase or decrease within and between figures and if there is any odd-even number of addition or subtraction or even a multiplicative or divisive force at work.

CCAT - Verbal Tips and Tricks

  • Think of a context for the stem word (the word given); try to use the stem word in an example sentence in this context.
  • Try to think of antonyms for the given stem word. Also, consider secondary meanings of the stem word.
  • Read all the answer options before you decide the word farthest in meaning to the stem word.
  • Break down unfamiliar words into recognizable parts - prefix, suffix, and root word.

How To Pass the Vista CCAT by Improving your Test Scores

The golden rule on how to optimize your Vista CCAT scores is an obvious one, PRACTICE!

Practice for psychometric tests is misunderstood, and undervalued as there is a general belief that you can't increase your test scores. Nevertheless, dedicated practice is the most essential tool in the assessment training toolkit that you can use to achieve your well-deserved and rewarding job as it is shown to increase your fluid intelligence!

A review of over 50 scientific studies by Hausknecht et al (2007) proved that you can increase your assessment test scores by up to 35% in a matter of days when you are fully engaged in a couple of focused, well-structured, and productive practice sessions. The main methods in which such astounding results can be achieved are through:

1. It decreases your anxiety as familiarity with the test consequentially decreases your stress levels as you have been through the process before and know what to expect.

2. Practice provides you quick access to proven-test-taking strategies when the pressure intensifies during time-constrained tests and your cortisol levels spike.

3. Neuroscientific data shows that brain-training programs like our e-learning platform enhance your focus and ability to identify the correct patterns.

To stand out from the crowd and be in the top 15% of candidates that pass the Vista CCAT, you will have to bolster your mental acuity and mental agility. Start practicing, to enhance your fluid intelligence and ace that test to leave the rest of the competition behind!

Why Practice for the Vista CCAT at is the well-established market leader within the online assessment preparation and training industry. With our unwavering focus and unbroken energy directed towards R&D, we have the best assessment practice tests and exercises the aptitude test industry has to offer. Next to this, our innovative IT team has come up with an interactive state-of-the-art e-learning platform that empowers you to ace your Vista CCAT Test! developed the Personal Progression System which allows you to set, and achieve personal goals so you have a transparent method to see how you are improving over time! We created an insightful and user-friendly dashboard that will allow you to compare yourself to your peers by education level. Distinguish yourself from the rest of the competition, give it your all and you will put yourself in the best position to ace the Vista Equity Partners Pre-Employment Test.

Our Vista CCAT Preparation Package has been developed by our committed team of business psychologists who have the perfect mix of a creative mind, tenure, and expertise required to provide you with the perfect mixture of Vista Equity Partners Test exercises. With the purchase of our tailor-made Vista Equity Partners Test Preparation Package, we will give you access to a total of 63 tests filled with 919 Vista CCAT specific questions, answers, and solutions! 

Our mission is to help you land your dream job by means of making practice for your assessment goal-oriented, accessible, transparent, and efficient. Let us guide you through this process so you can beat the odds. Squeeze everything out of your Vista CCAT assessment!

Lets, face it, practice makes perfect, let us help you ace the test and raise your skills to stand among the best! With the purchase of our specially selected package, you have 24/7 access to our content and e-learning platform on desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Improve your hiring chances by 81%.

Detailed instructions and worked solutions for every question. Prepare to succeed!

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Vista Equity Partners Preparation Package( CCAT)

  • 63 Tests
  • 919 Questions
  • One-off payment


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