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Cut-e Assessment Practice

Cut-e Assessment

Founded in 2002, cut-e provides online aptitude tests, questionnaires and gamified assessments for attraction, selection, talent management and development. In May 2017 cut-e has been acquired by global professional services firm Aon. Cut-e and Aon Assessment undertake over 30 million assessments each in year in 90 countries and 40 languages.

Depending on the position you applied to you can expect several aptitude tests during a cut-e assessment. offers a tailor-made package of tests especially made to mimic the most used cut-e aptitude tests. Start your training now to make sure that you’re fully prepared. By practicing these tests, you will familiarize yourself with the different formats and maximize your chances to ace your assessment and land that job!

The Cut-e Assessment Preparation Package consists of the following categories and their subtests:

  • Cut-e Abstract logical abilities
    • Cut-e Scales clx – inductive reasoning
    • Cut-e Scales ix – inductive logical thinking
    • Cut-e Scales lst – deductive logical thinking
    • Cut-e Scales sx – deductive logical thinking
  • Cut-e Numerical abilities
    • Cut-e Scales numerical – numerical reasoning
  • Cut-e Specific cognitive abilities
    • Cut-e Scales blo – working memory
    • Cut-e Scales cmo – monitoring ability
    • Cut-e Scales e3+ – ability to concentrate
    • Cut-e Scales nav – sense of direction
    • Cut-e Scales spr – 3D spatial reasoning
  • Cut-e Verbal abilities
    • Cut-e Scales verbal – verbal reasoning
    • Cut-e Scales verbal – understanding of basic information
    • Cut-e Scales verbal – situational judgement test
  • Cut-e Specific knowledge
    • Cut-e lt-e – language skills
    • Cut-e tmt – applied numeracy

All of our practice tests come with extensive explanations and a description of how the questions can be solved. Furthermore, our Personal Progression System will help you track your progress and give a detailed view of your performances. This system will help you identify your stronger and weaker points and provides insight into your areas of development. The progression tool keeps track of your scores, test times and overall progress.

Start training now for your Cut-e and Aon assessment and get immediate access to the tests and practice 24/7 on your computer, phone or tablet!

Cut-e Abstract logical abilities

Cut-e Scales clx – inductive logical reasoning

The scales clx - Inductive logical reasoning test measures your inductive logical reasoning abilities. You will be presented with two different tables. In both the tables, you must find the rules or relationship within a given pattern. Once you have found the rules or relationship within the given pattern you apply them to the four answer options to find the two tables that match.


Example question of a Scales clx - inductive logical reasoning test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is C & D. The rule is that they have 6 similar figures on the top part of the grid.

Cut-e Scales ix – inductive logical thinking

This test measures your ability to think logically. You will be presented with several objects which all except one - are governed by a single over-arching rule. You must identify this rule to find the object that does not match this rule.


Example question of a Scales ix - inductive-logical thinking test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is E. All the figures have 5 dotted lines, but figure E has only 4 dotted lines.

Cut-e Scales lst – deductive logical thinking

This test measures your deductive reasoning skills. You will be presented with a grid containing several objects. Each object appears only once per row and per column. It is your task to find the object that replaces the question mark. 


Example question of a Scales lst - deductive-logical thinking test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is C.

Every row and every column only contains one of the four figures. If we look at the last row, we are missing the plus figure, so this one should be at the right bottom corner. Knowing this, there is only one figure left to complete the right column and that is the triangle. Therefore, the right answer is C.

Cut-e Scales sx – deductive logical thinking

This test measures your deductive reasoning skills. In each question, you will be presented with three objects that are interchanged according to a specific rule. Your task is to identify this rule and choose the correct operator.


Example question of a Scales sx - deductive-logical thinking test. Click here for a free practice test!

In the example above, the right answer is A. You can see why in the explanation below.


Cut-e Numerical abilities

Cut-e Scales numerical – numerical reasoning

This test measures your numerical reasoning ability. You are required to answer questions based on numerical information presented in tables, figures, and diagrams. This test contains questions that assess your knowledge of ratios, cost and sales analysis, currency conversions, percentage increase/decrease, and rates and trends.



Example question of a Scales numerical - numerical reasoning test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer to the example question above is False. This can be calculated as follows:

Step 1 – Calculate the number of chartered ships that were loaded in the Port: 

0.64 x 358 = 229

Step 2 – Calculate the number of owned ships that were loaded in the Port: 

0.86 x 257 = 221

Step 3 – Calculate the total AM ships that were loaded in the Port: 

229 + 221 = 450

Thus the correct answer is False

Cut-e Specific cognitive abilities

Cut-e Scales blo – working memory

This test is designed to measure your short-term memory and the capacity of the sensory memory. You will be presented with an image and must decide quickly if the image shown is the exact same as the second last image shown. This test starts with these three images below. Closely analyze them and when the test starts, after you click 'start test' below, decide quickly if the image presented in the question is the same as that of the second last image shown.


Example question of a Scales blo - working memory test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is A, No. If we look at the previous images we see that the second last picture is not the same.

Cut-e Scales cmo – monitoring ability

In this test, your ability to quickly identify information is measured. You will be presented with an image with white dots. It is your task to identify the total number of white dots and select the right answer.


Example question of a Scales cmo - monitoring ability test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is 13.

Cut-e Scales e3+ – ability to concentrate

This test measures your ability to concentrate. You will be presented with an image, and you need to determine if this image is an 'E' with three dots next to it. You need to react as fast as possible to identify if the image is the 'E' with the three dots or not.


Example question of a Scales e3+ - ability to concentrate test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is A, Incorrect. It is clearly a six with 3 dots next to it and not an E with 3 dots next to it.

Cut-e Scales nav – sense of direction

This test measures your sense of direction. You have to determine in which direction a vehicle is heading after various driving maneuvers. Each task of the test consists of an arrow which shows the direction a vehicle is heading in from above. This is followed by an arrow after a driving maneuver. The task is to determine the direction of the driving maneuver from the driver's perspective. 


Example question of a Scales nav - sense of direction test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is D, you must keep in mind that you are looking from the drivers perspective.

Cut-e Scales spr – 3D spatial reasoning

This test measures your spatial reasoning ability. This test measures your ability to mentally re-arrange, rotate and manipulate shapes or objects without physically touching them. It is your task to find the right 2D or 3D shape.


Example question of a Scales spr - 3D spatial reasoning test. Click here for a free practice test!

In the example above, the right answer is B. You can see why in the explanation below, with the use of the circles you can compare the sides that should be adjacent.


Cut-e Verbal abilities

Cut-e Scales verbal – verbal reasoning

In this verbal reasoning test, you are provided with a passage of text followed by one or more statements. You are required to answer true, false or cannot say to each statement:

True: The statement follows logically from the information contained in the passage.
- False: The statement is logically false from the information contained in the passage.
Cannot say: Cannot determine whether the statement is true or false without further information.

Remember: you have to base your answers only on the information given in the text!



Example question of a Scales verbal - verbal reasoning test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is B. The passage states:

'The Formula One series originated as the European Grand Prix Motor Racing. It was not until 1946 that the new set of rules, called the Formula One, began.' Therefore the correct answer is False.

Cut-e Scales verbal – understanding of basic information

In this understanding of basic information test, you will be provided with a simple text or instruction. You are then required to evaluate as fast as possible whether a statement that refers to the text is True or False.


Example question of a Scales verbal - understanding of basic information test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is False. The passage states:

'When sending computers and hardware back to the manufacturers for repairs, complete the Repair Request Form and place it inside the parcel together . . .; otherwise, the manufacturer will not know who the item is from and what needs to be fixed.' So the manufacturers need the Repair Request Form.

Cut-e Scales verbal – situational judgement test

The Situational Judgement Test is designed to measure a candidates’ ability to choose the action that is most appropriate in a workplace situation. With your answers, a company can assess how you would handle certain situations that you might encounter in the job that you have applied for. In a Situational Judgement Test, you will be given a certain problem related to the job you are applying for, and a few possible actions are given. Your task is to rate the different possible actions from highly undesirable to highly desirable.


Example question of a Scales verbal - situational sudgement test. Click here for a free practice test!

In the example above the most likely to do should be the second response and the least likely the first response.

The first response is the most effective response as you are trying to solve his problem without having him to do more. By contacting the person who initially received the complaint, you are avoiding having to duplicate functions as the person might have gained some ground in trying to solve the problem.

The second response is less effective because requesting him to call back the next day is unnecessary and you are putting extra stress on him in addition to the problem he already had with his software. You can take out a few minutes and gather the necessary information you need to help him before going home.

Cut-e Specific knowledge

Cut-e lt-e – language skills


The Fluency test is designed to assess your knowledge and skills in constructing sentences and in using correct grammar, punctuation, and word usage. You will be presented with a sentence that is missing some words. Your task is to find the words that fit the gaps in the sentences to make it complete again.


Example question of a Scales lt-e - language Skills - fluency est. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is A, deception, on.
The correct sentence is: I was warned beforehand that the lawyer would use deception to obtain a confession on the witness stand. 


The Vocabulary test is designed to measure your vocabulary and the meaning of words. You will be presented with a definition, it is your task to determine which of the given words matches this definition.


Example question of a Scales lt-e - language skills - vocabulary test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is C, Sanguine
Sanguine means confidently optimistic and cheerful.


The Spelling test is designed to assess your knowledge of spelling and vocabulary. Each question you will see two similar words, only one is spelled correctly. It is your task to find the word that is spelled correctly.


Example question of a Scales lt-e - language skills - spelling test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is A, Government is correctly spelled.

Cut-e tmt – applied numeracy

This test is designed to measure your ability to calculate in different subject areas. You are required to apply numerical knowledge in different subject areas. You will be presented with a short passage/text with information, it is your task to determine which information is needed to get the answer.


Example question of a Scales tmt - applied numeracy test. Click here for a free practice test!

The correct answer is B, 625 square meters.

It is a square meaning length = width. 

100 meters of fencing tells us the run’s sides are 100 : 4 = 25 meters long. 

The surface of the run then has to be 25 x 25 = 625 square meters.

Why practice?

Practice makes perfect! You will see that through practice your performance will improve. Familiarizing yourself with psychometric tests is the first step to success. Through practice, you will get a clear picture of what these tests are, what they look like, what they measure, and what the testing conditions will be. is the go-to platform for certification practice, assessment/aptitude test training, and job application preparation. We offer tailor-made preparation packages with tests in the same style as the actual Cut-e Assessment. We advise you to inquire about the specific tests you will get on your official assessment, to make sure that you practice the right tests in advance.

In addition to the fact that all our practice tests come with worked solutions and an explanation on how to get to the right answer, we offer you a unique Personal Progression Tracking System.

This progression system will help you track your progress and give a detailed view of your performances. It will help you identify your stronger and weaker points and gives insight into your areas of development. The progression tool keeps track of your scores, test times and overall progression.

We offer you the tools to reduce anxiety and make sure you get the most out of yourself on the day of your certification, assessment test of job application interview! Research among our users showed that through practice your scores can improve up to 80%.

Over 96% of our customers would recommend Assessment-Training for practice.

Start training your Cut-e test and Aon test now and get immediate access and practice 24/7 on your computer, phone or tablet!

About is the market leader in online assessment preparation. With our continuous research and development, we provide a leading-edge e-learning platform. We keep improving our tests to deliver tests with the same standards of the latest tests of all the big assessment publishers. Our products help candidates complete their application fully prepared. Our goal is to help you get ready for your assessment, regardless the company, job, or level you are applying for!

To help you ace your Cut-e test we put together a preparation package, tailor-made for Cut-e Assessment. These tests contain the same questions you can expect in your actual Cut-e Assessment. The Cut-e Assessment Preparation Package consists of the following tests:  

  • Cut-e Abstract logical abilities
    • Cut-e Scales clx – inductive reasoning
    • Cut-e Scales ix – inductive logical thinking
    • Cut-e Scales lst – deductive logical thinking
    • Cut-e Scales sx – deductive logical thinking
  • Cut-e Numerical abilities
    • Cut-e Scales numerical – numerical reasoning
  • Cut-e Specific cognitive abilities
    • Cut-e Scales blo – working memory
    • Cut-e Scales cmo – monitoring ability
    • Cut-e Scales e3+ – ability to concentrate
    • Cut-e Scales nav – sense of direction
    • Cut-e Scales spr – 3D spatial reasoning
  • Cut-e Verbal abilities
    • Cut-e Scales verbal – verbal reasoning
    • Cut-e Scales verbal – understanding of basic information
    • Cut-e Scales verbal – situational judgement test
  • Cut-e Specific knowledge
    • Cut-e lt-e – language skills
    • Cut-e tmt – applied numeracy

All practice tests come with worked solutions and an explanation on how to get to the right answer. Our Personal Progression System will help you track your progress and give a detailed view of your performances. Assessment-Training is more than just a training platform. We are here to help you!

Start training now and get immediate access to the tests and practice 24/7 on your computer, phone or tablet!

Improve your hiring chances by 81%.

Our most comprehensive package includes the Cut-e preparation, video training + workbook and an ebook to be fully prepared for your Cut-e test.

One-time payment. No recurring fees!

Cut-e Assessment Preparation Package

  • 68 Tests
  • 1589 Questions
  • One-off payment

