Does your job application require you to pass an error-checking test? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered! offers realistic error-checking test simulations developed by psychologists with years of experience designing tests for large publishers such as CEB/Gartner, Talent Q, Saville Assessment, Kenexa (IBM), and Thomas International.
Error Simulation tests can help you pass your error-checking test and come prepared for the job. Error Checking Tests are designed to measure attention to detail and evaluate speed and accuracy skills. These tests demand a high level of concentration due to the fact that they require the discrimination and comparison of sets of data that contain a lot of numerical and letter-based information. Employers use Error Checking Tests for potential job candidates in a variety of work fields, such as commercial and sales, marketing, health, business development, administrative stand, and hospitality and leisure.
Error-checking tests are among the most commonly used aptitude tests during job applications. They are standardized psychometric assessment tests that provide the employing organization with information about a candidate’s general ability to quickly identify errors in complex data.
The Error Checking Test Package helps you ace your assessment. All of our practice tests come with extensive explanations and a description of how the questions can be solved. Furthermore, our Personal Progression System will help you track your progress and give a detailed view of your performance. This system will help you identify your stronger and weaker points and provide insight into your areas of development. The progression tool keeps track of your scores, test times, and overall progress.
In the Error Checking Test question below, you must carefully examine the sequences and decide which option matches the given string. In this case, the correct answer is B.
Example of an Error Checking Test question. Click here for a free test. Start training now and get immediate access to the tests and practice 24/7 on your computer, phone, or tablet!
Good to know, our practice tests are designed to be as close to what you’ll see in real life when taking a test. So if it is an online test or paper-based our experts have worked with both formats! The questions look like they do on actual assessments, making them ideal for practicing ahead of time! We offer a wide range of services that allow us to work closely with large global organizations that need assistance developing customized training solutions that meet their specific business.