Whether you reached this stage of the application through means of the civil service fast stream, the civil service fast track apprenticeship, or maybe even a local job posting, you will have to pass the Civil Service Exam with flying colors. Although there are many different Civil Service career paths out there, we have found the common denominator in the assessment tests that you will have to ace. The Civil Service Test consists of:
Civil Service Situational Judgment
Situational Judgment tests provide the Civil Service with the necessary information of your general ability to choose the most appropriate action in typical workplace situations. These tests are designed to assess your ability to handle simulated work situations and tackle problems that you could encounter during your time as a Civil Servant.
A Civil Service Situational Judgment Test operates with four distinguishable answering templates, namely:
- Most/least likely to perform: It is your job to evaluate the work situations and choose an accurate prioritization response with regards to the scale from ‘ most likely to do’ to ‘least likely to do’ scale.
- Ranked responses: here you will be requested to categorize and rank order the options as one that seems ‘ most effective’, 'second most effective ',’ third most effective’, and ‘least effective’.
- Rated responses: WIth this response type, you will be required to sort and label the hypothetical responses from ‘very effective’, ‘effective’, ‘slightly effective’, ‘not effective’, to ‘ counterproductive’. You may only use each response, once.
- Most/least effective responses: Here, you will be asked to formulate both a ‘most effective response’ and, ‘ least effective response’.
In our Civil Service Assessment Test Package, we provide you with 12 Situational Judgment Tests providing you a total of 204 questions to apply your wit to.
Click on the link to start our FREE Situational Judgment Test scenario!
Civil Service Numerical Reasoning
Numerical reasoning aptitude assessments are developed to measure a candidate’s numerical skills based on number operations, ranging from basic mental arithmetic to an advanced level of critical thinking and logical reasoning. Numerical Reasoning is a professionally sought-after hard skill that should not be underestimated as it knows many uses. Numerical reasoning tests can be referred to as “number-savvy”, and are often framed as “speed tests” because they have stringent time constraints. These tests are equipped to assess basic numerical ability and generally do not allow the use of calculators. In our Civil Service Assessment Test Package, we provide you with 12 Numerical Reasoning Tests, amounting to 240 questions in total!
By clicking the image below you can practice 10 free questions of our numerical reasoning practice tests:
Also, as there is a crossover between the verbal and mathematical skills that a Civil Service employee needs to possess, you will also be tested with regards to Math Word Problems. With the purchase of our Civil Service Test Preparation Package, we provide you access to 7 Math Word Problem tests with over 140 questions! Click the link or the image to open a tab with 3 free questions of our math word problem practice tests.

Civil Service Verbal Reasoning
Verbal reasoning tests provide Civil Services with information about your general verbal aptitude and verbal intelligence. These tests are designed to assess your ability to verbally understand and use your verbal rationality through analyzing concepts and statements stated in short and context-rich paragraphs. The verbal reasoning test boils down to reading comprehension. In our Civil Service Test Preparation Package, we give you access to 13 Verbal Reasoning Tests amounting to a total of 156 questions!
By clicking the image below you can practice 10 free questions of our verbal reasoning practice tests:

Civil Service In-tray/ E-tray Exercises
The Civil Service in-tray and e-tray exercises that you will have to face during your aptitude test, require candidates to prioritize their tasks based on simulated work scenarios. You will be given a selection of letters, emails, and reports in either paper or electronic format, which someone might find in their email inbox. It will be your task to respond to as many emails as possible while prioritizing the information that is deemed as most important in each scenario. Employers include this type of test to test your ability to process information quickly, prioritize, analyze problems, make decisions, manage time, work accurately, expressing yourself logically, and tactfully answer questions.
The test will probably start with information describing the background scenario. The background information included company information, policy documents, organization charts, letters of complaint, and role specifics. The subject matter is usually related to the job you're applying for. You must go through emails and memos, return phone calls and manage situations and tasks. These tasks include ranking the given information in order of urgency. In some tests, you have to explain why you took certain decisions and describe the actions you would take.
In our Civil Service Assessment Test Package, we provide you with 3 booklets of Civil Service in-tray/ e-tray exercises, with over 160 pages full of content, exercises, and worked solutions!