Test Publishers, Assessment Companies & Talent Measurement Agencies

Assessment Companies & Talent Measurement Agencies

Assessment Companies and Talent Measurement Agencies help organizations and recruiters to determine whether or not candidates are suitable for specific types of employment. Sometimes, this process consists of just the psychometric testing part, but it is usually regarded as an ‘assessment day’. On this ‘assessment day’, a group of applicants who have applied for a particular role are invited to an assessment centre, where a combination of selection techniques are used to measure an individual's suitability for the job role. These selection techniques usually included group exercises, one-on-one interviews, presentations, role play, and psychometric testing. 

Most large organizations, such as Banks, Audit, and IT firms, use assessment days to recruit new talent for their graduate programmes. The big four accountancy firms conduct assessment centre days to recruit their trainees. Over 68% of employers in the UK and USA use some form of assessment centre as part of their recruitment and/or promotion process. 

Assessment-Training.com offers practice aptitude and assessment day tests. We use industry-leading chartered occupational psychologists to create accurate practice tests that resemble those used by recruiters. 

Major Test Publishers

What tests should I Practice?

Are you not sure what to expect? Check our extensive list of organizations of which we have knowledge on what tests they use during their assessment day!
