Talentlens is part of Pearson, with their Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) they provide insights on candidates since 1947. Talentlens Pearson has offices in the United Kingdom, France and the Benelux. Initially, the DAT tests were used to support career guidance and vocational counselling in students. Furthermore, the Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT Next Generation) measures a candidates level of general and a number specific mental abilities that are required for job or course success.
At Assessment-Training.com we offer an extensive Preparation Package to practice for the Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT) by Pearson Talentlens, to be sure you will ace your DAT Assessment. Through practice, you will be able to score higher on your aptitude test, which in turn will increase the chances of you securing the job!
The Preparation Package for the Differential Aptitude Tests (DAT Next Generation) by Pearson Talentlens consists of the following tests:
- Verbal Analogies (DAT Verbal Analogies)
- Numerical Reasoning (DAT Numerical Calculations)
- Number Sequences (DAT Numerical Sequences)
- Inductive Reasoning (DAT Abstract Reasoning)
- Spatial Reasoning (DAT Spatial Relations)
In addition, with our Personal Progress Tracking System, you will be able to keep track of your performance and compare yourself with your norm group.
NOTE: Assessment-Training.com is not related or affiliated with DAT by Pearson Talentlens.