Baker Tilly uses, depending on the specific job profile, one or more of the following psychometric tests during their recruitment process:
Baker Tilly usually uses CEB/Gartner (SHL) tests to test their applicants. However, this might differ depending on where you're taking your tests. We, therefore, advise you to inquire about the test publisher and the tests that will be used during your aptitude test.
Click here for more information about our bundle test package, which includes all of's psychometric tests!
Note: It is possible that the organization, based on specific job roles and/or personality traits, composes a tailored assessment. As a candidate, you have the right to know what you can expect on your assessment day. Therefore, it is wise to ensure you are well informed before the assessment and request information from the recruiting organization or assessment center where you will take your tests.
Do you have any information regarding Baker Tilly's recruitment procedure? Would you like to share this with us to help prepare other candidates to ace their assessments? Please contact us here!
Numerical Tests:
Verbal Tests:
Logical Tests:
Simulation Tests: