Seating Arrangement Reasoning utilizes a special type of "top-down" Deductive Reasoning logic where a number of premises and rules are used to come to a logical conclusion through means of deductively removing false alternatives until the only true multiple choice answer remains. With this thought in mind, let's put the theoretical knowledge to the test and walk through a few practical seating arrangement examples.
Seating Arrangement examples
Context: 8 friends are sitting evenly spaced and towards each other at a round table while engaging in some friendly small-talk.
The premises are as follows:
1. Kendall has Bob sitting directly left of her, and Gaby to the right of her.
2. Bob is seated opposite Mandy.
3. Taylor has Linzie to her left and Sophie directly to her right.
4. Sophie is seated opposite Eliza.
Which conclusion must be false?
A. Linzie is sitting opposite Kendall.
B. Taylor is sitting two chairs right of Mandy.
C. Gaby is sitting two chairs to the left of Mandy.
D. Elisa is sitting in between Gaby and Mandy.
The correct answer is C as is visualized in the picture below.

Note that the cardinal direction (north, east, west, south) of the table is not specifically necessary in this example to find the correct seating arrangement. However, it can be useful to divide the 8 people into its cardinal points to centre the visualization of the people and their relative positioning in your mind correctly. Let's take a look at another type of arrangement question.
Context: 7 of the best athletes are doing an ultra-marathon called the Moab 240 in the smouldering hot desert in Utah and they have just finished the race.
The premises are as follows:
1. Jessi finishes in the middle of the other contenders.
2. Keith did not finish first but neither behind Jessi.
3. Rich finished 2 places behind David.
4. Kaz finished behind Jessi but in front of Terrence.
5. David finished 5 places before Michael.
Which conclusion must be true?
A. Rich did not get a podium spot.
B. Michael came in dead last.
C. Terrence came in dead last.
D. Kaz came in 3 spots later than David.

As we know that Jessi placed in the middle as 4th (premise 1) we also know that only 3 people are in front of her and three people behind her. Taking this into account, when looking at premise 4 we know that one athlete must be positioned between Kaz and Terrence, therefore Terrence is last and Kaz is 5th. As David finished 5 places in front of Michael(premise 5) we know that person is Michael who placed 6th and that David placed 1st. As Rich placed two positions behind David (premise 3) we know he came in 3rd and that Keith placed 2nd.